<aside> 🆕 Please Note: Single Purchasers and Team Purchasers ****can now access their own Dashboard to obtain their billing information. Please see below.


To change your Billing details, please access your own Dashboard by clicking here. Scroll down the page to see this section, and click the blue ‘Billing’ button:

Screenshot 2023-07-06 at 16.33.45.png

From here, you can Add, Edit or Delete your card details to update your billing details.

Note: If you are a ‘Teams’ user, the ‘Billing’ button will be at the top right of your Dashboard, along side ‘Add User’.

Thanks! 🤓

<aside> ⚠️ If you have any questions in regards to your Dashboard, message our Support here or email us at [email protected] and we will be happy to assist you.
