Your number may be blocked from WhatsApp for breaking the following advice:

  1. Do NOT link the account to WhatsApp Web or WhatsApp Desktop in the first 24 hours or before you have received 5 inbound chats.
  2. Please ask a few friends/family to message the number first, before you send out any messages (we have found 5+ inbound messages is a good amount)
  3. Allow the number to ‘warm up’ by not sending out too many messages in the first day or two
  4. Avoid copying and pasting the same messages to different people, as it can be perceived as mass messaging/marketing by WhatsApp
  5. Avoid adding too many attachments/documents to messages to begin with
  6. Avoid sending messages to too many third parties (contacts not in your contact list)

Here’s how to unblock your number…

Please click 'Support', and ensure your appeal message includes an explanation of the corrective actions you’ve taken and a commitment to adhere to WhatsApp’s policies moving forward. Keep in mind that WhatsApp deals with numerous requests like yours, so they may take some time to review your case and get back to you. WhatsApp should then unblock the number.

This is by far and away the best method to unban the number, and also once unbanned, WhatsApp are unlikely to ban you again. This way, your number is preserved and appears far more genuine to WhatsApp.

If you don’t receive a reply from WhatsApp - please message our Support here or email us at [email protected] and we will be happy to assist you.

<aside> 🚨 Please refer to our one-pager for WhatsApp’s Commerce policy.
